TLI Perennial Legumes Program


Our program is committed to open-source science and data analysis. We benefit greatly from publicly available services, software, and data, thus we feel it is right to also open our datasets to the larger research community. We have been using Zenodo to publish our datasets so that we can have a DOI associated with all of the materials. Please cite our work appropriately if you use it in your research. Reach to our systems admin if you have any questions or concerns about the datasets.

Sainfoin Pod Threshing Images
Sainfoin Pod Threshing Images Seed object detection and classification

Images taken of 5 different, commercially available sainfoin varieties processed by two different threshing methods in 5 different sample amounts. This dataset includes a JSON file for the bounding boxes and classifications of all seed objects in each image.

Kura Clover Accession Plot Images
Kura Clover Accession Plot Images

Images of field grown kura clover PI accessions from USDA/GRIN. All images were taken with a PVC quadrat surrounding the plant, and the plots were hand weeded before imaging. Data includes the images in a 80/20 train/val split with 35 test images. Segmentation masks are in .mat format and quadrat corner bounding boxes are included as a .csv file.


Cool Web Server
Cool Web Server a subtitle

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